Create blog in bitbucket using jekyll
Jekyll is a great way to quickly build a blog site. I was looking for easier ways to setup a blog on bitbucket and stumbled upon Jekyll.
In this post I documented some steps to quickly create a blog (along with some posts) site and deploy it to bitbucket.
Install jekyll and create a new project
$ gem install jeykyll
$ jeykyll jeykyll_blog
$ cd jeykyll_blog
$ jekyll serve
jekyll serve will generate all the files in the _site directory.
Open in a browser. This will render the blog.
├── _config.yml
├── _includes
│ ├── footer.html
│ ├── head.html
│ └── header.html
├── _layouts
│ ├── default.html
│ ├── page.html
│ └── post.html
├── _posts
│ └── 2015-05-16-jekyll-setup.markdown
├── _sass
│ ├── _base.scss
│ ├── _layout.scss
│ └── _syntax-highlighting.scss
├── _site
│ ├── about
│ │ └── index.html
│ ├── css
│ │ └── main.css
│ ├── feed.xml
│ ├── index.html
│ └── jekyll
│ └── update
│ └── 2015
│ └── 05
│ └── 16
│ └── jekyll-setup.html
├── css
│ └── main.scss
├── feed.xml
└── index.html
This is the directory structure of the jeykll. config.yml => has the common settings that are used throughout the site. posts => posts directory the individual posts. The jekyll will generate the post htmls that will be created in the jeykll/update directory.
update, posts.
You can see the updates by refreshing the
Now that we have the blog running successfullly locally, we need to deploy it to the bitbucket.
create a bitbucket repository with the following format, add all the files from _site folder to this repo locally and then push it to remote master. This are the complete commands.
$ cd jekyll_blog/
$ jekyll build
$ cp -r _site/ ~/bitbucket/
$ cd ~/bitbucket/
$ git config --global "username"
$ git config --global ""
$ git remote set-url origin
$ git config -l
$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "Jekyll post creation."
$ git push origin master
Now, open and you should see your blog.